Posted Jun 28, 2024Lillooet Indigenous Court Navigator and Elders Coordinator



Business: Lillooet Learning Communities Society Sát'mec Ull'usmíntwal' Szwátet.scal
Phone: (250) 256-0683
Address: 633 Main Street, Lillooet BC, V0K1V0




Job Title: Lillooet Indigenous Court Navigator and Elders Coordinator

Compensation: 35 hours a week, $30 to $35/hour depending on experience.

Schedule: Some flexibility, Monday to Friday, rare evening and weekend work may be required.

Term: Contract Employee from July 2024 to December 31 2024. Contract will be renewed depending on performance.

The Court Navigator and Elders Coordinator position will report directly to the Chairperson of the Lillooet Indigenous Court Steering Committee under the Lillooet Learns Board of Directors. The successful applicant will work collaboratively with Elders, lawyers and clients. They will help provide supports for clients to complete their Healing Plan. They will support the participation of Elders in the Court process by providing training, healing and health supports.


Elder Support

  • Schedule and facilitate monthly meetings for Elders and invited guests to review the court listand new/old business.
  • Ensure Elders are scheduled for Court attendance, prepare and deliver client information bindersto the Elders in advance of Elders Meetings and Court.
  • Assist Elder participation and assess the Elders ability to develop Healing Plans in a court setting.
  • Coordinate Elder training, when required.
  • Assist in recruitment of Elders, when required.
  • Elder support including monthly lunch for debriefing, and access to mental health support.
  • Purchase ceremonial supplies and provide refreshments and lunches for Elders attending court.
  • Be the first point of contact for the Elders on the day of court by arriving at the Court 30 minutesbefore Court is called to order.

Client Support: 

  • Assist the Indigenous clients who come into direct contract with the law and are committed toattending Indigenous court.
  • Ensure that the referral forms are completed correctly and submitted.
  • Understand and relay to the client the connection between Healing Plans and the four quadrantsof the Medicine Wheel.
  • Connect clients to community agencies that can help them meet the goals set out in the HealingPlan.
  • Maintain an up-to-date list of local, regional and provincial programs that can support clientHealing Plans.
  • Support the client while the probation officer explains the nature and meaning of any measurestaken by the court.
  • Support clients with probation; help them understand the meaning and consequences of courtproceedings and the importance of complying with the conditions of their probation. Overseethe court approved Healing Plan and maintain case management notes on client progress.
  • Work collaboratively with Indigenous communities and resource people, including but notlimited to community members such as: Employment Officers, Housing Programs, TrainingPrograms, Counsellors, and other agents that are critical to the client completing their HealingPlan successfully.
  • Maintain contact with the client between court dates to help support compliance.

Cultural Knowledge Sharing

  • Assist with cultural ceremonies to open the court.
  • Act as a resource person at training sessions, committee meetings, etc. to ensure thatinformation on the culture, needs, concerns and aspirations of the Lillooet Indigenous Court areaccurately reflected from the Navigator/Elder Coordinator perspective.
  • Continue to learn; attend meetings, workshops, seminars, and conferences that relate to theIndigenous Court, client care, cultural practices and healing methods.


  • Report regularly to the Chairperson of the Lillooet Indigenous Court Steering Committee;
  • Prepare accurate, monthly caseload reports for the Court Chairperson
  • Prepare and present quarterly reports on the Indigenous Court for the Lillooet Learns Board ofDirectors and funding body, the Law Foundation of B.C.
  • Maintain accurate filing of court related information i.e. courtroom tracking spreadsheet
  • Maintain an orderly filing system that reflects the professionalism of the Navigator/CourtCoordinator and Indigenous Court of Lillooet that permits readily available information, asrequired.
  • Keep comprehensive up-to-date client files, which must contain name, address, date of birth,date and time of contacts between client and Navigator/Elder Coordinator, that includesrelevant case management notes.
  • Ensure Elders sign the relevant forms at the courthouse and take any other steps necessary toreceive an honorarium for their role in court;
  • Email the sign in sheets to the relevant organization for processing Elder payments (Legal AidBC).
  • Maintain accurate records of all expenditures associated with the Navigator/Elder Coordinatorrole.
  • Keep track of expenses, submit invoices, timesheets and other relevant material to the LillooetLearns Administrative Assistant

Please apply by sending a cover letter and resumes to Megan at
Deadline to Apply: UNTIL FILLED

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